Routines & Habits — IRL Education


From a regular day at the office to the launch of a new product in front of millions, Steve Jobs would wear the same black skivvy and blue jeans to the office. Every. Single. Day. His reasons teach us something we can all use in our own lives too.

From a regular day at the office to the launch of a new product in front of millions, Steve Jobs would wear the same black skivvy and blue jeans to the office. Every. Single. Day. His reasons teach us something we can all use in our own lives too.

Students have a lot going on. Between assessments for all their different subjects, sports, hobbies and making time for family, friends and themselves, keeping on top of everything without getting stressed out is a huge challenge.

Having a strong routine is often the difference between students who can handle it all and those that can’t. Our routines and habits keep us grounded, help us manage adversity and are the foundation from which we build both personal and academic success.


This class introduces students to the routines and habits of successful people, and why they work. We discuss the importance of sleep and finding a healthy balance between work and play, as well as how we can defeat procrastination. We examine what habits can help us be happier, which ones are better for academic success, and those that can help with anxiety.

By examining the dopamine reward system in our brains, we can gain a better understanding of how habits are formed and normed, and how we can use simple methods to give us the best chance of maintaining new habits.

“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine”
— John C. Maxwell

Rather than taking a ‘one size fits all’ approach, we use tools and activities to help students understand what habits are holding them back, and which ones will serve them best. They will leave with a practical framework for implementing healthy new habits into their own lives and the motivation to do so.