We’ve designed our courses to be as flexible as possible to cater to the different needs of students and schools. As a result, each of our seven topics are built into a number of smaller modules, which can be easily modified into customised seminars ranging from 40 minutes to 2 hours in length. 

Designed for classes or entire year groups, each seminar is a memorable combination of stories, videos, discussions and individual and group activities, ensuring each and every minute is as equally informative as it is engaging.

All of our courses can be run as seminars for any year group, though we find that some courses are more appropriate for some ages than others. For example, our 'Careers' class works best with Year 11 or 12 as they're more focused on making decisions for life after school. We're happy to recommend courses based on the needs of your students.


We won’t just leave you after a seminar and never see you again. With each course scheduled, you’ll also receive: 

  • An initial meeting to understand the needs of your school and discuss focus topics for your students.

  • Worksheets and activities for students during the seminar, and question time at the end.

  • A resource pack for teachers with follow up activities and content from the seminar.

  • Engaging resources for students to continue their learning journey, made up of the best content from the digital world of podcasts, apps, blogs, YouTube, TED Talks and more.


All we need is a space with a projector or a wall to project onto - a common room would be perfect. We’ll bring student worksheets, some feedback cards, and (if required) our own projector. If students have access to laptops or tablets, they can bring them to the seminar as we’ll direct them to a few websites as well as showing them on the projector. 



Experiential, not informational.

We employ the Engaged Learner model to engage students’ heads, hearts and hands. By integrating cognitive, affective and practical learning domains, we bear witness to the fact that people learn, think, feel and act differently.

In practice, this means we combine fun game-based activities with personal stories, interactive discussions and the latest research to create an immersive, transformative experience students love. They will feel comfortable sharing their opinions and getting involved.


Personal, and ongoing learning.

We take the time to ensure that we understand the unique needs of your school so that we can give your students an experience that is relevant and personal and real.

All activities are tailored to their age group and level of maturity. After the face to face seminar, we’ll also provide a range of follow up activities to build on what they’ve learned, teacher resources and curated content from the digital world students live in, which they can use to continue their learning journey outside school.


Embrace resistance.

The best way to approach lifelong learning is to remember that resistance is a window into a need not being met. Find the need, meet the need, reduce the friction and crack on! 

By getting “curious, not furious” with resistance from students, we can help them to express their needs in a healthy and productive way so they can get those needs met and get back to actively engaging with the topic rather than distancing and removing themselves.